methodology weekend for language teachers of English
November 9-10, 2024
Venue address: Aleja Alije Izetbegovića 10, Tuzla, zgrada Jupiter
What is ELT Weekend
ELT Weekend is a free face-to-face teacher training course for English language teachers. It will take place in October or November in one of the Balkan countries. The course can host 30 participants only.
The goal of the ELT Weekend is to provide participants with systematic knowledge of foreign language teaching methodology, practise basic skills, share ideas with colleagues, and increase interest in pedagogy in general within two days. Our aim is to promote successful modern English language teaching practices among teachers. The course is funded by the DAR foundation.
ELT Weekend Overview
  • Duration: 2 days
  • 12 hours of classroom instruction
  • 2 trainers
  • Based on the most recognized international systems (CELTA, ICELT, Trinity)
  • Aligned with CEFR standards
  • Enriched by trainers' personal experience
  • Attend input sessions and complete assignments
  • Watch educational videos and demonstration lessons
  • Practise teaching skills in small groups
  • Participate in discussions
  • Participants with a language level of B2 and above
  • Active participants (preferably) with teaching experience
  • Effective lesson planning
  • Teaching reading, and listening skills
  • Introducing new vocabulary and grammar
  • Giving instructions and using the board effectively
  • Setting up group work
1. Coursework
2. Course methodology
3. The course is suitable for
4. Course activities
5. Skills Acquired by the End of the Course
Course schedule
How to join the ELT Weekend?
In order to participate in the ELT Weekend, you are supposed to do the following:

  • Fill in the application form including a motivational letter.
  • Coordinate with your employer or family to ensure availability for the ELT Weekend sessions.
  • Wait for the response from the organisers.
  • Attend all the sessions of the ELT Weekend and enjoy the course.
  • Conduct one practical workshop for your school / neighborhood teachers where you demonstrate one or two useful techniques from the course.
What can you do in just two days?
Two days is a perfect time to take a risk and explore something new, refresh professional skills before the school year starts, and meet new people. During the sessions, ELT Weekend participants will enjoy plenty of practice in a supportive and safe environment, enabling them to try new techniques and exchange views and ideas with the professional
community. We believe these two days are enough for each participant to achieve a personal breakthrough in their knowledge and skills. The language of the ELT Weekend is English, which offers an additional opportunity to immerse yourself in the target language environment.
We have reviewed the popular international qualifications CELTA, ICELT, and TrinityCert Tesol, extracting their best elements: clear structure, teaching methodology, and the learning approach.
We then created a course tailored for those with some teaching experience but without a solid grasp of modern methodologies. If you teach traditionally, with extensive use of L1, and rely on translation, this course will be highly valuable for you. If you are eager to embrace new methods, read professional blogs, and watch educational videos but are unsure if you are applying techniques correctly in the classroom, or if you have ideas but lack confidence, if you are looking for ways to make your lesson preparation less time consuming and more effective, then this course is for you.
It is very important to us that the sessions are as effective as possible, so we are looking for active and committed teachers.
Who is it all for?
ELT Weekend Session Topics
Vocabulary circles: from miming to definitions
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Determine what students need to know about a word or phrase and when.
  • Learn various techniques for introducing vocabulary.
  • Practise teaching colleagues words and phrases of various difficulty.
Cracking speaking lessons: preparation-light ideas for teenage and adult lessons
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Be able to differentiate between different sub-skills related to speaking
  • Explore and use different types of tasks to speaking skills.
  • Discuss the opportunities for speaking practice
Writing: how to juggle tasks so that your learners wouldn't get bored
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Learn what "the product approach to teaching writing" is
  • Focus on different stages of a writing lesson
  • Discuss effective strategies in teaching writing
Making reading work: planning engaging lessons for teenagers and adults
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Recognize which reading activities facilitate learning and which do not.
  • Learn how to motivate students to engage with longer texts.
  • Get a step-by-step protocol to plan effective reading lessons.
Listening with purpose: ear training to maximize your students’ auditory potential
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Explore and use different types of tasks to develop listening skills.
  • Find out how to help students enjoy listening to texts.
  • Learn how to plan effective listening lessons.
Grammar as you go: modern and thought-provoking techniques for your English classroom
By the end of this module, you will:

  • Know how to explain grammar in simple English terms.
  • Learn how to clarify the meaning of grammar to help the learners use it effectively.
  • Take home an easy recipe for an effective grammar lesson
The goal of the ELT Weekend is to provide participants with systematic knowledge of foreign language teaching methodology, practise basic skills, share ideas with colleagues, and increase interest
in pedagogy in general within two days. Our aim is to promote successful modern English language teaching practices among teachers. The course is funded by the DAR foundation.
Trainers and organisers
of the ELT Weekend
  • Trained over 1000 English language teachers in communicative methodology.
  • Developed and conducted 15 teacher training programs.
  • Managed the Foreign Languages Department at "New School", Moscow.
  • Headed the Academic Writing Center at the Higher School of Economics.

  • Former Cambridge CELTA trainer.
  • Former Cambridge ESOL examiner.
  • Full Cambridge DELTA holder.
  • Master's degree from the University of Chichester, trainer at Norwich Institute for Language Education, bachelor's degree from the University of Oslo.
Zhenya co-authored the ELephanT Summer School for Teachers in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
  • Trained over 1000 teachers in various methods and approaches to teaching English.
  • Supervises methodological work at several schools.
  • Developed and conducted over 200 teacher training programs in different countries.
  • Teaches methodology to graduate students at Southern Federal University.
  • Worked as a DOS at a big language school for 8 years.

  • Former Course Director for TrinityCert TESOL courses in Russia.
  • Former Local Delta Trainer at NILE.
  • Former Cambridge ICELT Trainer.
  • Full Cambridge DELTA holder.

Natasha co-authored the ELephanT Summer School for Teachers in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Zhenya Bakin
Natasha Belousova
Our Principles
Two days is a perfect time to take a risk and explore something new, refresh professional skills before the school year starts, and meet new people. During the sessions, ELT Weekend participants will enjoy plenty of practice in a supportive and safe environment, enabling them to try new techniques and exchange views and ideas with the professional
community. We believe these two days are enough for each participant to achieve a personal breakthrough in their knowledge and skills. The language of the ELT Weekend is English, which offers an additional opportunity to immerse yourself in the target language environment.
  • We value a systematic approach to education. All programs are interconnected.
  • Our sessions focus on practical application and skill development.
  • The participants have opportunities to try out and immediately apply their knowledge.
  • We emphasise teaching principles rather than a set of tasks, empowering participants to make informed decisions in the classroom.
Who is it all for?
We are not fond of the lecture format, so we include a lot of group work. The ELT Weekend participants will communicate with their colleagues, practise skills, make decisions about lesson procedures, and reflect (out loud!) on how the principles learned can be applied with their students. All of this takes place under the supervision and with the support of the two trainers. It will be challenging and interesting. Everyone who makes it to the end will receive a certificate from ELephanT Academy.
How does the training work?
Here is what happens
in our sessions
Frequently asked questions
Mail: elephant.tips@gmail.com

Telegram @katuz